Lee Vermeulen on VR

After the demo was over I talked to the Valve employee for a few minutes afterwards about the tech. And while standing and in the middle of a sentence, I had an incredibly strange weird moment of comparing real life to the VR. I understood that the demo was over …
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updated Python script for creating new Jekyll post

I posted recently about my nifty new script for creating new Jekyll posts quickly.

I've updated this now to open vim (you can tailor this to your preferred text editor) and edit the Markdown file you've just created. It will also jump down to the line where you start typing …

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vim delete inside brackets

Been using vim for a few years but today finally learned the handy "delete inside brackets" command.

the command is di (delete inside) and then the characters you want to delete inside

so to delete the "parameter" in super(parameter) it's di(

and di" to delete a word or sentence …

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It wasn't so long ago that we were spoon-fed the unimpeachable "fact" that we should eat no more than two eggs a week because they contained heart-stopping cholesterol, but that gem of nutritional wisdom had to be quietly erased from history when research showing that cholesterol in eggs had almost …
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2014-04-12 quote


And there's more on Notch's blog:

And I did not chip in ten grand to seed a first investment round to …
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Python script for creating new Jekyll post

With Jekyll, there's a small overhead when writing a new post.

I wrote a simple Python script to handle generating the markdown file with the date and title in correct format on the filename, and the correct headers at the top of the file.

The script is in the root …

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“One night I was driving home and didn’t want to go in the house because I didn’t want to stop listening to [Smash]. I started circling the block listening to the record over and over on ten in my old Volvo station wagon. My wife greeted me at …
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software in use

operating system: Ubuntu 14.10

window manager: i3

notifications: Dunst and dzen2

browser: vimb

terminal: rxvt-unicode

text editor: vim, gvim

email: mutt, offlineimap, mykolab

organiser/calendar: remind + wyrd

notes: vimwiki

pdf viewer: mupdf

instant messenger: telegram

irc: weechat

music: cmus

torrents: deluge-console

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NSA's definition of collection

Indeed, ever since Snowden provided reporters with a trove of top secret documents, we've been subjected to all sorts of NSA word games. And the word "collect" has a very special definition, according to the Department of Defense (DoD). A 1982 procedures manual says: "information shall be considered as 'collected' …

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2013-12-17 links

  • Some interesting-looking stuff made public by Derek Sivers
  • These non-plastic lunchboxes look so cool!
  • In our May Premature Evaluation of Deafheaven’s Sunbather, I compared the album to Agalloch’s 2010 LP, Marrow Of The Spirit. In my opinion, Marrow is the best metal album of the millennium (so far …
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