"open learning: finite state machines"
What I understand of finite state machines is that they are graphical representations used to represent states in computing.
States are represented by circles. Arrows are drawn between states that represent the input symbols received. One input symbol can be received per transaction.
A terminating state, or a state we …
more ..."podcasts: Hacker Public Radio"
Hacker Public Radio is a lumbering beast of a podcast, dominating my feed most of the time. There are two feeds available - one going back two weeks and another with all of the episodes ever released, clocking in at over 16gb. HPR is epic, and it's also a staple. Anyone …
"Quote of the week: Mark Shuttleworth"
why I use Duck Duck Go
Like a lot of others I've "switched" from using Google to using Duck Duck Go as my default search engine. I just want to mention what I think about it.
First off, I have to say that Duck Duck Go is slower than Google. Most of us "power users" can …
more ..."open learning: beginnings of computing"
This is an idea I've had to try and cement ideas in my head as I study for college and to try and document my learning.
Whenever I spend a couple of hours studying a section of my course I'll try and summarise it here, based on notes I've written …
more ...2012-02-11 quote
"ownCloud: symlink home directory to your ownCloud files"
This is a handy trick for if you really want to have your files in one place but accessible everywhere.
I did this on my server because I felt things were getting fragmented between my various home directories and files I had on my ownCloud.
So to keep everything in …
more ...Run an application from the terminal but independent of the terminal
This is something I discovered recently that I'd never known before but would have benefit greatly from knowing it a long time ago. I've realised recently that taking five minutes to learn something new can save you much time and effort in the long run. It's kind of like a …
more ..."Linux games: Dead Cyborg Episode 1"
Endre Barath's Dead Cyborg is a first-person puzzle adventure game based on a free, donation-based model.
It's not open-source, but it runs perfectly on Linux.
Dead Cyborg can be downloaded from the site (I recommend version 002 as it supports mouse look instead of just the arrow keys). To get …
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