Hacker Public Radio is a lumbering beast of a podcast, dominating my feed most of the time. There are two feeds available - one going back two weeks and another with all of the episodes ever released, clocking in at over 16gb. HPR is epic, and it's also a staple. Anyone who's a consumer of Linux-related content should try to fit it in.
HPR is very regular, dropping an episode daily Monday to Friday, varying in length from around a quarter of an hour to an hour. The regularity is due to the tremendous effort of HPR's proprietors. Ken Fallon recently relinquished the reigns to Pokey, and the enthusiasm and conviction these guys show to the project is really inspiring. Some of the best moments of the podcast come from the human element - the recent epic New Year's marathon, still clogging up the first three or four slots on my podcast feed as I listen to them bit-by-bit, has already provided me with many laughs, moments of inspiration, and plenty of food for thought.
HPR claims to be a community-based podcast and that is more true for HPR than any other Linux or open source podcast I listen to. Anyone can contribute a show, on any topic of interest to hackers (you know the ones I mean). Some of the best recent episodes have sprung from the drive to encourage new podcasters to do something - anything - for an episode. The simplistic "How I got into Linux" topic has produced some real gems.
HPR can't be described as just a tech podcast. It is more of another medium for hackers to express themselves. Hacker Public Radio is becoming a fitting title.