ownCloud on TonidoPlug
So I'd been hearing a lot about ownCloud. Really sounded like a way to become more independent as a netizen, and since I was already running my own mini server I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd have to install it. But what finally convinced me …
more ..."Gnome: \"oops, I ruined your life!\""
Looks like Gnome have made their own attempt at a cutesy "oops" message, as seems to be the trend now.
While messing around with Gnome's css style and using Alt-F2 and r to reset the decoration, "something went wrong" and I got a computer with a sad face on it …
more ...Starting irssi automatically in a terminal at startup in Gnome
Most terminals can be launched with a command that is executed immediately by using the -e
option followed by the command.
gnome-terminal -e irssi
launches a terminal with irssi running in it.
This can be useful if you want to save yourself having to run irssi each time you log …
more ...Irssi and notifications in Gnome 3/Shell
I decided to switch over full time to Irssi, as Xchat and Xchat-gnome on Gnome 3 had become too frustrating.
I installed the package from the Mint repos. Irssi is terminal-based IRC client, so the first thing I wanted was to enable notifications. Some Googling led me to this script …
more ...Linux Mint 12
I've been using Mint 12 for a couple of weeks now.
It was exciting to install as I'd read a lot about how good it was, even if a lot of the news articles and "reviews" had started to sound a bit forced and repetitive. The general theme of these …
more ..."Drake: Take Care"
This is a great album. The thing that strikes you most about Take Care is the confidence and the fresh style that compliments Drake's flow, where before he sounded awkward and ropey. This sounds modern and REALLY cool.
It's not throwaway either. It's full of catchy, clever lyrics from the …
more ...switched to Drupal 7
I've changed over to Drupal 7. Wordpress just felt... boring. Also I don't know if it could really provide everything I need as I want to experiment with hosting stuff.
I had forgotten how frustrating it can be trying to manage themes and modules on Drupal. I finally have the …
more ...refresh the page and restart the memory
This is where I’m going to output everything I want to. Partially it’s to keep track of what I’m doing and thinking, and also because some of it could be interesting to someone. I’m also thinking about a project or two that I want to start …
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