I've looked at a lot of music players on Linux over the years. I recently come to the conclusion that they're all crap.
People want different things from their music player, which are very personal to them ("why on earth would they not have an option to x?!?!?! Do these people even listen to music?!?!").
The only player I'd ever been happy with was Amarok, but then they went and ruined that, and besides, it's too KDE-specific. In my frustration, a thought occurred to me. A lot of things work better with command line tools. Why not a music player?
After a bit of Googling for "ncurses-based music player" and the like I finally chose cmus.
It really works. It's a fully functional command line based music player, with nifty keyboard shortcuts (such as, yes, / to search). It's damn cool. Most importantly, it can scrobble to last.fm (and libre.fm).
Could this be my perfect music player? I'll have to try living with it. Then I'll do a more hands-on review.