So as you may or may not notice my site looks a little bit different. Behind the scenes it's completely different. I've moved completely over to Jekyll, so what you're looking at now is a static html page that has been 'compiled' by Jekyll.
The move was disastrous. It was the first time I've tried any kind of site migration. I don't even have that much content here, and the site was already pretty new to begin with, but moving it was a real pain. I won't go into details other than it was some of the most fruitless and dreary work I've ever done with web stuff. Still, I managed to keep most of the content, despite at least one accidental deletion (I'm going to start backing up soon, I swear! Is Rsync the way to go??).
So it didn't go off without a hitch, (sorry if you got old posts in your feed!!) but some things seemed to work well such as Apache redirects from the old URLs.
I'm ok with the new look, and it's a huge improvement being able to type posts in my editor of choice (vim), and have them saved as a simple text file. Markdown is even starting to feel more agreeable. The site feels more 'fat-free' now. We'll see how it goes.