Bash / command line pomodoro timer

I use the Pomodoro Technique a lot when I'm at home. I find it really useful to not only make sure I get stuff done, but to make sure I take regular breaks and get other stuff done, like housework and exercise.

I used to use a 25 minute timer on my digital watch, which kinda died this weekend. There are Android apps, but I find they're not as immediate and don't work as well. I realised I needed a timer that would run in a terminal, since I spend so much time there anyway.

I found this script with Google. I put it in and did a chmod u+x on it.

There were a couple of problems - first you might notice there are a couple of HTML aliases in there, so I needed to replace them with their symbols > and &.

Second problem came when I added it as an alias to my .bashrc:

alias pomo='sh ~/ 25 "Pomodoro" "Pomodoro started, you have 25
  minutes left" "Pomodoro ended. Please stop the work and take short break"'

Apparently Ubuntu uses Dash instead of Bash when using sh so I was getting this error after the first minute: let: not found

The solution was to specify that Bash be used:

alias pomo='bash ~/ 25 "Pomodoro" "Pomodoro started, you have 25
  minutes left" "Pomodoro ended. Please stop the work and take short break"'

So now I type pomo into a terminal and get a 25 minute timer, complete with notify-send notifications, which look particularly pretty in my Awesome theme I adjusted the display time of these to my liking.

pomodoro timer notifications

Roll on the productivity.