2013-01-08 links

Some more links from the last couple of weeks. I have over 1000 unread in my feed so some of these are a bit old!

  • Really excited for this film as I loved Revolution OS
  • Real Programmers don't use PASCAL: The easiest way to tell a Real Programmer from the crowd is by the programming language he (or she) uses. Real Programmers use FORTRAN. Quiche Eaters use PASCAL. Nicklaus Wirth, the designer of PASCAL, was once asked, "How do you pronounce your name?". He replied "You can either call me by name, pronouncing it 'Veert', or call me by value, 'Worth'." One can tell immediately from this comment that Nicklaus Wirth is a Quiche Eater. The only parameter passing mechanism endorsed by Real Programmers is call-by-value-return, as implemented in the IBM/370 FORTRAN G and H compilers. Real programmers don't need abstract concepts to get their jobs done: they are perfectly happy with a keypunch, a FORTRAN IV compiler, and a beer.
    Laughed out loud reading this. I guess you can replace FORTRAN and PASCAL with C and Ruby or something.
  • Fab interviews Bradley for the H
  • Probably the best episode of Hacker Public Radio ever - warning: it's long!
  • But this has to be a close second
  • Chrome keyboard shortcut to reopen last tab? Yes Please And others.
  • Apart from the dire Linux Action Show, this is a great list of podcasts.